Mr. Khalid Mahmood Siddiqui has done his B.Sc. and started his career in 1991 in Textile industry and worked in Textile & Knitwear Industry for over 15 years on different positions with senior most management of the Group. His last role was Manager Export and Finance. During his career he completed his MBA (Executive) degree in 1998.
In 2007 he joined the Department of Law & Policy, Lahore University of Management Sciences and is still part of Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (former Department of Law & Policy). His current role is "Manager, Budget & Administration".
Mr. Siddiqui looks after all budgetary and financial matters of Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL), he is also responsible for overall administration and infrastructural initiatives of SAHSOL building. He liaisons with HR for hiring Adjunct Faculty, Student Tutors and Peer Advisors. He coordinates with the Procurement, Finance, Facilities & Engineering departments of LUMS for purchase related matters, for payments and for SAHSOL's infrastructural changes and iterations.