The LUMS Law Alumni Association offers law students and fresh graduates an important and unique source of advice and support for internships, careers’ advice and placements.

One of the strengths of the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL) is that we support and indeed expect our students to undertake at least two substantive internships during the LL.B phase of their studies. These can range from internship and job placements at various law firms; the Attorney-General's Office; non-governmental organisations (NGOs); legal departments of leading corporations operating in Pakistan; human rights organisations; and clerkships with the High Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Exposure to and experience of the legal system as it functions in practice is an important part of the education and the training of a lawyer. At the LUMS School of Law, all BA/LLB students are expected to undertake at least two substantial internships during the three year LLB phase of their studies. We actively connect and facilitate our students to internships opportunities which range from high-profile law firms, the Attorney and Advocate Generals Offices, prominent non-governmental organisations (NGOs), legal departments of leading corporations operating in Pakistan, human rights organisations as well as clerkships with the High Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
In addition to long standing arrangements with prominent lawyers and law firms, SAHSOL has also entered into several MoUs to provide internships to our law students, such as:
- Peshawar High Court,
- The Attorney Generals Office
- Advocate Generals Office
- Aurat Foundation
- Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
- Haidermota BNR
- RIAA Barker Gillette
- Axis Law Chambers
- Sheikh & Dahir
- Raja Mohammad Akram & Co.
- Ijaz & Ijaz Law Associates
- MCAS & W Law Associates
- Khan Associate.
The School of Law’s Annual Career's Day and Networking Dinner is the flagship event for legal careers and placement advice bringing together a number of prominent legal practitioners and firms and final year BA/LLB students. This platform also allows the students to individually meet and engage with potential employers, further facilitating securing job placements for our students. The participants from the Career's Day 2017 include the following:
- Mr. Salman Akram Raja (Keynote speaker)
- Barrister Momin Malik
- Ms. Summaya Zaidi
- Axis Law Chambers
- Haidermota BNR & Co
- Minto & Mirza
- Irfan & Irfan
In addition to the Annual Career’s Day and the Networking Dinner, SAHSOL also conducts a number of career counselling events throughout year. In the academic year 2017/18, the Law School offered law students advice on how to apply for US LLM programmes, law career opportunities in Karachi, how to apply for law training contracts in the UK conducted by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP (London) as well as a number of career advisory sessions conducted by Pakistani advocates and lawyers. SAHSOL is regularly approached by domestic law firms such as MJLA, and Hassan Shah & Associates for recruitment drives.
Law graduates from LUMS enjoy unparalleled job and career prospects as well as consistently high admissions and scholarships to the world’s most prestigious LLM programmes. 25% of all LUMS law graduates have embarked on LLM studies at universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, UC Berkley, as well as a number of European universities such as SOAS, University of London and the London School of Economics, often with full scholarships.
In addition to the firms mentioned above, LUMS law graduates can be found as in-house counsel in companies, banks and a number of legal institutions such as the Competition Commission of Pakistan, the National Accountability Bureau, Human Rights Watch, Coca Cola, TOTAL PARCO, CLM, Research Society of International Law (RSIL), Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS), Pakistan Administrative Services, and Foreign Service of Pakistan.