SAHSOL proudly presents the research contributions of our notable faculty members.
Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law
Research Publications
Research Publications
SAHSOL proudly presents the research contributions of our notable faculty members.

Author: Prof. Sikander A. Shah
Publisher: Routledge, 2016
This volume studied the legal and political issues surrounding the use of drones as armed strikes were being carried out in Pakistan. It critically examined questions of consent between states and the governance of international legal norms. The issues it explored continued to be of relevance even though the geographical sites of drone warfare may have shifted.

Author: Dr Syed Muhammad Azeem
Publisher: Springer, 2017
In this book Dr Azeem offered an assessment of the role of the judiciary in Pakistani politics through a detailed historical and empirical account of post-independence years. Instead of viewing the judiciary as helpless or struggling against an authoritarian state, it argued that the judiciary has been a crucial link in the creation political inequality in Pakistan.

Author: Dr. Sadaf Aziz
Publisher: Bloombury, 2019
This volume provides a contextual and historical account of constitutional laws evolving public law doctrine in Pakistan. By decentering a view of constitutionalism away from its emergency jurisprudence, a more encompassing view of developments is provided.
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Annual Newsletter, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law - Spring 2017